10 facts about my blog

HI! for once, i'm writing something very random about my blog and my blogging experience.

so don't read if you don't like random stuff! =P

Here's the 10 facts that you might or might not know! =)

1. i started blogging on the 6th of September 2009, and my very 1st post was a piece of memory. haha, i think that it's funny when i read it again. but hey, i'm so glad that i wrote it down, or not i wouldn't have remembered it!

2. i used to get very excited when people leave comments or messages on my blog.

3. i have so many drafts that i do not publish simply because i don't feel like letting anyone read them.

4. most of my drafts start with their titles and end with their titles too =P

5. when i write "stay tuned for part 2!" there's usually no part 2 because i would forget about it or i would be too lazy to write about it. well, except for a few posts. who knows? i might write the 2nd part one day when i'm inspired. aha!

6. i seldom upload photos on my blog because i'm too lazy to do it =/

7. i get very embarrassed when people read my blog =.= don't ask me why, i have no idea either.

8. i call you people stalkers for reading my blog but i posted my link on my facebook profile =P what a contradictory! hahahaha. honestly, i'm really happy that you people take time to read my blog =D (you know who you are)

9. when i'm inspired to blog, i rarely blog. when i blog, i'm rarely inspired to blog. =P

10. i have a private blog and you guys can't read it! BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA.


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