Lights out

White long candles anchored to glass disks were arranged in a circle. The whole space glowed in a dim light as the candles were lit up one by one. We stared at each other faces under the candlelight and shared stories. Licking ice-cream and giggling about silly things, we spent every stuffy, sticky and itchy (due to mosquitoes) moment with gratefulness for we had each other. The time of worship that came after that was short but more powerful than ever. As the crisp sound of the piano filled the air, their beautiful voices accompanied the music, reaching to the heavens. I shut my eyes as my fingers danced on the keys, feeling God’s presence as strong as ever. I know that every prayer was heard on this special night. Thank you Father, this time of fellowship had been so refreshing and empowering. =)

It’s 12.15am. The lights have been out since 6pm. For once, I really did not know what to do after the youth group left at around half past nine. I have always thought that a time like this would be a good time to have a nice conversation with my family but somehow, things didn’t turn out the way I liked it to be. So, I took my guitar and for the first time ever, I sat on the swing and started singing to the sky…and my dog, Shero who sat quietly beside me.

I did my quiet time as well and realized that everything really happens for a reason. The reason I can’t talk on the phone, the reason there’s no electricity, the reason my parents went to bed early, the reason I can’t find a torch to read….is probably a bigger reason. =) When I came to this awareness, I became really thankful for all these that had happened because it made me worship the Lord with my guitar when it’s night and quiet. More importantly, it made me listen to His voice.  

I knew that He was looking and His angels were there with me, even though the mosquitoes were biting me endlessly.

She said, “During the worship, I caught a vision and saw an angel with wings sprinkling shiny dust all over us and around this house. I was so awed that I started crying. Then I felt a strong wind blowing across the room.”

Thank you Daddy. I don’t know what else to say. =’) My youth leader was right, this is the best gift that I can ever have before I leave home again.

It’s now 12.41am. I’m going to sleep after I blow out the last candle. Thank God my laptop still has some battery life until now. 

(instead of only words like usual, here's a snapshot XD)


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