beautiful and pretty

ever heard of the saying "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder?"
true enough, everyone has their own point of view, everyone has their own cup of tea. you can't really expect everyone to think that a girl is pretty or expect someone to think that you're beautiful if you're just not that person's favourite kind.

In spite of that, who doesn't want to be the prettiest girl? the girl who people think is exceptionally beautiful? i guess sometimes it's a girl's nature to be vain in a way as they care about how they look and how people think about them. From comparing clothes to their hair. i guess there's just too much a girl cares about huh?

i have always believed that being pretty and beautiful is different.
pretty has always been such a surface thing, yes i have to admit, not everyone can be pretty.
but beauty is so much more, it's more than just skin deep, more than just what you see with your naked eyes.

being beautiful is not easy, but every girl can be beautiful no matter how they look =)

i remember someone telling me before, there is bound to be a person who thinks you're beautiful
no matter how the others think. the others might think that you're not beautiful enough, not attractive enough, they might look at your flaws, your weaknesses. Nevertheless, there'll be one who loves you just the way you are and actually thinks you're beautiful genuinely. in fact, more beautiful than any other women that you think are 1000000 times more beautiful than you are.

so, beauty is actually a very subjective matter.

we can't really define beauty, we can't really set a standard of how beautiful people should look like. everyone has their own special trait, you can't have everything, but you have your own special look which other people do not have and will never have.

be grateful that you were borned with a perfect face without flaws.

you're beautiful just the way you are.

there's no need to be pretty like the celebrities you see on the television. yes, their looks are intriguing.
so what?

doesn't being beautiful inside mean so much more?

a person who has a beautiful heart looks beautiful to me no matter how she looks on the outside =)

maybe not everyone thinks this way, but i still think that being beautiful is something which you see thoroughly in a person..not just the cover.

so what are the differences between pretty and beautiful? Here are a list of the differences i could think of for now =P

1. it does not last long, after the passing of time, it wears off or the eyes just get tired of it.
2. it can actually be obtained through plastic surgery and make up
3. it makes a girl attractive and nice to look at
4. you think a girl is pretty by just looking at her in one glance
5. pretty needs money most of the time! i think
6. it can be quite manipulative sometimes

1. it lasts forever!!!!!! a woman just gets more and more beautiful with the passing of time
2. it is showned through a kind heart
3. it makes a girl lovable and nice to be with
4. you think a girl is beautiful after getting to know her well
5. it doesn't need pretty clothes, shiny accessories or make up =)
6. it never changes, never presses, it stays just the way it should be

it's your choice to choose between being pretty and being beautiful.

the heart inside of you matters the most.

just be yourself, you can never be replaced by anyone else.


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