Being bold
Doing something that no one would ever want to do could mean that you're being bold...or being merely naive.
I realised that sometimes, people choose to back away from doing something just because no one else is doing it. We all tend to follow the flow, don't we? The Harlem Shake is a perfect example. It's true, when you're not that mainstream, you feel pretty left out most of the time. (especially when they talk about hot actors that you don't know about and have to google their names on your phone). However, that's not the point.
I've always found myself wanting to start something different. In fact, the more you tell me that it's impossible, the more I want to do it. I think I'm just plain rebellious, or if you would like to put it in a nicer way, then you can say that I'm daring. The people close to me like to say that I'm very naive, but most of the time, my "naive" moves do end up in a good way, amazingly. (not all the time though)
I've done many things that people will not choose to do. Sometimes, even I don't understand why I put in so much effort into doing certain things. At some point, I felt so tired that I hoped I didn't have to care so much. Thankfully, a friend reminded me that I chose to sacrifice because Jesus has sacrificed so much for me.
I still make unwise decisions. However, I do know some things, if not everything. I know that if I'm doing something for God, I don't have to fear failure but trust Him to take care of everything.
I've learnt that when I choose to put my trust in God, no matter what happens, it can't go wrong. (it might not look like a happy ending that I would expect, but normally it turns out to be better) =)
Hence, I would like to be bold for God.
Great smile there! :)